The Scoop on Dog Eye Gunk

September 25, 2024

Ever catch your pup with those little “eye boogers” staring back at you? Eye gunk is a normal part of a dog’s life, but understanding what causes it and how to keep those peepers clean can make a world of difference. Let’s dig into the world of doggy eye gunk and learn how to keep those eyes bright and beautiful.

What is Dog Eye Gunk?

Eye gunk, or “eye boogers” as we fondly call them, is a buildup of tears, dirt, and debris in the corners of your dog’s eyes. While most of the time it’s no big deal, sometimes it can hint at a deeper issue. Breeds like Shih Tzus, Pugs, and Frenchies, with their adorably short snouts and big, expressive eyes, are often the biggest culprits when it comes to collecting gunk.

How to Clean Your Dog's Eyes

Keeping your pup’s eyes clean is easier than you might think. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Arm Yourself with the Right Tools: Get a soft, clean cloth or cotton pad, and some vet-approved eye cleaner or warm water. Skip anything with harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances—your dog’s eyes are sensitive, after all!some text
  • Wipe Away the Gunk: Moisten the cloth or cotton pad and gently wipe from the inner corner of the eye outward. Be gentle; you don’t want to poke or put pressure on those precious peepers.
  • Make It a Habit: Add eye-cleaning to your regular routine. Not only will it keep your dog’s eyes healthy, but it’ll also give you a chance to spot any changes early on.

When to Sound the Alarm

Sometimes, eye gunk can be more than just an annoyance. Keep an eye out for:

  • Odd Colors: If the discharge is yellow, green, or stinky, it’s time to call the vet—it could be an infection.
  • Extra Tearing or Squinting: Excessive tearing, squinting, or discomfort might indicate irritation, an injury, or something more serious.
  • Swelling or Redness: Red, swollen eyes or a noticeable bump in the eye area could signal an allergy, infection, or other condition needing prompt attention.

Keep Your Pup’s Eyes Bright with Regular Grooming

Let’s face it, taking care of your dog’s eyes is part of the grooming package. Barkbus’s Signature Service offers a stress-free, tailor-made grooming experience for your pup right at home. Make sure to book a recurring Spaw Day to give your dog the pampering they deserve—keeping those eyes gunk-free and sparkling year round!


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